Kelvin SamPastorKelvin Sam serves as the senior pastor of Frikirken International Church. Kelvin is a husband to Trine and father of Benjamin and Amarachi. Most importantly, he is a follower of Jesus. His passion for spreading the gospel in a simple, practical approach and empowering others to do the same fuels everything he does. The Nigerian-born Pastor moved to Aalborg in 2005 after finishing his first two years at a Bible school in Mariager (Denmark) to join the church. He studied in both Danish and Australian universities where he acquired several degrees in theology, leadership, culture and communication. Kelvin is a gifted speaker combined with his special gift to communicate across cultures. He has a passion for the local church to be relevant to its local context and desires to simplify the gospel so that anybody can understand it and live it out in his or her daily life. Kelvin´s unique life story about God´s radical and unconditional love reflects on how he practically preaches the message of the Bible. Paul ConradMentorPaul Conrad serves as a mentor to Frikirken International Church Paul was born in China and raised in Africa. He is married to Ketty and have four children and eight grandchildren. Paul has served as a pastor for many years and in many different cities in Denmark: Copenhagen, Haderslev, Randers, Mariager, Stenum and Aalborg. He is a pioneer and church planter. He served for many years as the head of Pentecostal Pioneer-Mission which has planted many free churches in Denmark. In 2016 he received an award for his many years of pioneering work. Paul is also known for his ability to teach which has led him to teach in Bible Schools, Conferences, Seminars for Pastors and local Church Campaigns in over 30 countries